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Hair Transplant FAQ
Hair transplant has become a very common procedure nowadays. However, there are not many capable and specialized hair surgeons who performs these surgeries. Turkey and Cyprus are famous for having talented specialized doctors who performs hair transplant surgeries. Dr. Tayfun Oguzoglu is an ISHRS Fellow and ABHRS Diplomate who only specialized in hair restoration, he has more 25 years of experience in this field. Like Dr. Tayfun Oguzoglu, other medical personnel at Drt Hair are specialized in hair restoration and have many years of experience. While this high specialization and experience that Drt Hair offer is already enough reason to travel, the value for money in Turkey and Cyprus is better than most of the European countries. On top of all that you will have the opportunity to visit and enjoy two beautiful cities. Both Kyrenia and Istanbul are historically rich and extremely touristic.
Before the surgery we will send you a health questionnaire to check on your personal situation. We also provide you with detailed information about what you should do before a hair transplant operation. You can also find all the necessary information at our website.
At Drt Hair, we offer free online consultations. You can send your pictures to us via email, Whatsapp or simply using our contact form. Dr. Tayfun Oguzoglu analyzes the photos that is send to us, and our patient coordinators convey his analysis to our patients.
Taking good care of your recently transplanted FUE grafts is an important part of hair restoration. It is crucial that you avoid contact with your new grafts for the first 2 days. At this point the grafts will be secure and it is normal to see the transplanted hair begin to shed. You can touch your head gently during the washing.
With the motorized FUE method it is possible to extract and implant up to 4000 grafts per day. With the manual method, it is possible to transplant 1500 grafts per day.
Approximately 10 days after the operation the scabs on your head will disappear and the swelling will go back. A few weeks after the surgery the newly transplanted hair will be shed which is a completely normal part of the process. Your hair will be stronger and denser over the course of the next few months. Only 12 to 15 months after the operation you will reach the final result of your transplantation.
You should not do any sports during the first 14 days after the treatment. You can swim in the sea after 20 days but should not swim in a pool and visit a sauna or a spa within the first two months of the operation. Direct sunlight is not recommended during the first 14 days. A hair cut is possible four weeks after the hair transplantation.
The hair that we transplant comes from an area on your head where there will be no hair loss until the rest of your life. Even men in their 70’s usually have a rim of hair left in that area which is why we consider this to be our donor area. The implants that we take from that area should stay strong and healthy until the rest of your life.
Hair Transplant considered to be one of the safest aesthetic operations. It has very small risks of infection, bleeding and some scarring. These risks can be reduced to a minimum if your hair transplant surgeon is sufficiently experienced.
The operation takes between 4 to 5 hours depending on the case. Most people are able to return to work 2 to 5 days after the operation.
Work out and exercise after the hair transplant procedure are important issues. You should avoid hard work and exercising for one week after the procedure. Similarly weightlifting or carrying heavy weights for 10 to 14 days are not allowed. You should also avoid saunas, steam and sun baths for at least three weeks. Also, swimming for 1 month after the procedure is prohibited. You can find more detailed information at the aftercare section of our website.
Consuming alcoholic beverages is not recommended for 6 days after a hair transplant operation.
Patients with hair transplants should consider the impact of smoking on the results of their operation. As nicotine decreases oxygenation smoking is not recommended for at least two weeks after a hair transplant, it is harmful for the newly transplanted grafts. Furthermore, patients should consider quitting all together before their operation. Since it will affect the final result of your hair transplant.
After your operation a hat will be provided for you at Drt Hair. It is not recommended to wear a different hat first 2 days. Once the grafts have become a permanent part of your scalp, you can carefully wear a different hat. However, Dr. Tayfun Oguzoglu recommends not to wear hats frequently at least for 10 days after the surgery. Because operation areas heal faster without a hat.
Post op hair washing after a FUE hair transplant is one of the most important part of the aftercare procedure. You are not required to wash your hair for the first 24 hours after surgery. Your first hair wash will be done at Drt Hair by a professional. From the third day on, you may wash your hair by pouring cups of very dilute shampoo and water over your grafts and donor area. You will be provided with special care products after your operation. You can also find more information at the Aftercare section of our website.
Patients are recommended to treat transplanted area with special products and instructions for first 10 to 14 days. A gentle hair wash will not hurt the newly implanted follicles, but you should be careful. Too much scrubbing might dislodge or damage a graft at early stages. You can also find more information at the Aftercare section of our website.
FUE Hair transplants are typically more successful than other hair restoration options. If the operation is done by an experienced specialist doctor, the success rate of a hair transplant surgery is more than % 95.
It is recommended to avoid excessive sweating for 2 weeks after the operation. In this period some light, non-strenuous activity such as yoga or gentle walking is usually permissible, but you should avoid exercises such as cardio, running etc.
The extracted hair follicles usually don’t grow back. But the extraction is done from different parts carefully, so patients don’t have patches or scars in the donor area after the operation.
Hair transplant is a fairly painless operation. In general, a minimal pain may occur as a local anaesthetic is injected into the scalp. At Drt Hair, we also eliminated this pain with our gradual sedation system. Only after the operation you can feel a mild discomfort. You can find more information at gradual sedation section of our website.
No, regular wigs might cause infections since they are not sterile. Furthermore. wigs with glues should not be used after hair transplant. It frequently causes irritation on scalp and transplanted hairs can be damaged while taking the wig off.
If patient’s hair loss level is beyond N7 level on Norwood scale, then it is not possible to cover the whole bald area with a hair transplant. Because the donor hair on the back and sides of our heads are limited. Body hair transplant is another option for supporting these areas, if the patient does not have enough donor hair. Of course, an experienced hair surgeon should analyze your case for a body hair transplant. You can also find more information at the Body Hair Transplant section of our website.
Achieving natural-looking density for patients with advanced baldness levels can be reached through multiple hair transplant sessions. Normally, maximum 4000 grafts can be harvested safely in one session. If the required number of grafts is more than 4000 grafts, then multiple surgeries should be planned according to patient’s donor area.