How to Wash Your Hair After a Hair Transplant?
Hair restoration is a delicate procedure. Post operation care is extremely important to have optimal results.

Hair Wash Instructions for the First 14 Days
Step 1:
Applying Aftercare Lotion
Our hair transplant after care lotion enhances the regeneration of skin cells, moistures the skin and soften the scabs. This lotion should be applied to both recipient and donor areas.
Step 2:
Applying Medical Shampoo
A special medical shampoo is needed for the initial 14 days of the post-operation period. After the application of the lotion, you may apply the shampoo gently with your fingertips. You should follow the same direction of the transplanted grafts and avoid strong movements.
Step 3:
Use lukewarm water without high pressure for rinsing. Avoid hot and high-pressure water.
Step 4:
You should let your hair dry naturally. You should avoid towels and hair dryers for the first 2 weeks.
Daily Lotion and Shampoo Instructions for the Initial 14 Days
Day 1: The first wash is performed by a nurse at the on the following day of operation.
Day 2: No washing.
Day 3: No washing.
Day 4-13: Remove the bandages. Apply the aftercare lotion to the transplanted area. Let it rest for 30 minutes and increase the rest time of the lotion by 5 minutes every day. Then, wash the scalp with the treatment shampoo by tapping gently on the transplanted area with your fingertips, on the donor area and rinse off with lukewarm water. Let your head dry by itself.
Day 14: On the 14th day which is the last day of the washing treatment procedure, apply the lotion on the transplanted area using circular massage movements and keep it on the scalp for 2 hours. Rinse off the lotion and treat all the area with shampoo. Dry skin scabs should fall off by the day 14.
Things to Consider After a Hair Transplant
First 3 nights try to sleep on a high pillow or multiple pillows with your head elevated. By raising your head, the swelling may be reduced. You can sleep on your back or lateral sides, do not sleep with your face down. Try to avoid any contact between the transplanted area and the pillow.
One of minor sequelae of hair restoration is swelling. It is painless and may begin on the forehead and proceed to surround the eyes. To reduce swelling, please put on and keep the black bandage on your head the initial 2 days for 4 hours.
Your transplanted hair may shed after 2 – 4 weeks because of the low oxygen transportation in your new channels. This is a usual thing to experience. Grafts will produce new hairs in approximately 12-14 weeks.
Hair growth is a vital part of a hair transplant, but it is also a long-term process. After the shedding phase, the grafts will produce new hair in the first 2-3 months however there will not be a visible change. Around the 6th month mark you will start to see a noticeable change in your hair. After 12-15 months you will reach full growth and the final result of your hair transplant operation.

Things to Avoid After a Hair Transplant
You can comb your new hair, but be careful with the brush, do not push too hard for avoiding damage to the transplanted hair.
Consuming alcohol and smoking are not allowed for 7 days after your surgical procedure.
You should refrain from sport activities such as trekking, running, cycling, golf etc. at least 2 weeks after your surgical procedure. Heavy lifting and vigorous physical activities should be avoided for 3 weeks after the operation.
You should avoid activities like sauna, Turkish bath and solarium for 6 months.
Regular/limited exposure to sun is okay but you should avoid extreme exposure to the sun or sunbathing should be avoided for 3 months. You should cover your head with a cap from the extreme exposure to the sun.
Swimming (pool and sea) in water containing chlorine and in saltwater is not recommended and should be avoided for the first month.
Chemical applications (dying etc.) to the transplanted hair can only be done after 6 months. 2 months are needed for the donor area.

Shaving and Trimming
Do not shave or trim (razors or trimming machine) the transplanted area for 6 months.
You may cut your hair at the transplanted area with scissors after 3 months.
The donor area can be shaved or trimmed (razor or trimming machine) after 2 months.
You may cut your hair at the donor area with scissors after 6 weeks.
If you had beard or body hair extracted for your operation, you can shave or trim your beard after 1 months.