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What is DHI?
DHI simply means direct hair implantation. It is a hair implantation method for hair transplant operations. In a nutshell, DHI is the implantation of the hair grafts directly to the recipient area with Choi implanter pens.
At DHI operations the grafts are load to the implanter pens then they are implanted directly with the help of a hollow needle at the tip of the implanter pen. One of the greatest advantages of DHI is keeping the hair grafts outside of one’s body shorter because of its direct implantation mechanism. Furthermore, only the donor area should be shaved for DHI method, so there is no need to fully shave one’s hair. In this sense, DHI operations offer a better post-operation look than regular FUE operations. As, the remaining hair on top covers partial traces of a medical intervention and donor area grows faster. Furthermore, return to the social, daily, and professional life is faster with a DHI operation.
Advantages of DHI Method:
- Healthier grafts
- Faster Healing
- No need for a full hair shave
- Better post-operation look