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Gradual Sedation
Hair transplant operations are considered to be pain-free operations thanks to the latest developments. There is only one stage that a patient feels a mild pain during a hair transplant operation. It is the first stage in which the patient is receiving local anesthesia with needles. After this point, there is not a possibility to feel pain until the end of the surgery. Of course, there are people who get anxious around hospitals or needles. This anxiety is one of the most common reasons for not having or delaying a hair transplant operation.
At Drt Hair, we eliminate the pain and anxiety with our gradual sedation system. In this system, we first give oral anesthetics to our patients in order to eliminate the pain and anxiety before the application of the local anesthesia via special devices. Furthermore, if the oral anesthetic tablet is not enough for eliminating the anxiety of our patients, we use analgesic gas which is also known as laughing gas that is commonly used by dentists.. By these measures, we offer comfortable and relaxed operations for our patients.

The combination of the oral anesthetic tablet and analgesic gas makes the hair transplant operation and the application of local anesthesia completely pain-free. Also, this combination eliminates the anxiety of our patients. Only in some rare cases where the patient has a phobia or extreme anxiety for needles or operations, we offer a stronger sedation by an anesthesiologist for the first 20 minutes of the operation (until the local anesthesia is applied). Please note that this is not a general anesthesia.