How Long Does It Take to See Results After a FUE Hair Transplant?
Hair transplant operations came a long way with FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, the operation, healing, and growth phases are better than older methods. The time span for healing and operation takes significantly shorter for FUE operations. On the other hand, hair growth phase for FUE operations takes around 12-15 months. In this respect, patience is a vital part of a hair transplant and post-operation care.
Post Operation Care: What to do After a Hair Transplant?
The care after a hair transplant is not very complex. There is a strict hair wash procedure at the initial 14 days after your operation. After this 14 days, your new hair follicles are pretty much safe. After 14 days, there are some small restrictions however these restrictions will be lifted after a couple of months.
Shedding Period: Don’t be Alarmed If Your Hair Falls Out
Many people panic when their hair fall out after a hair transplant. However, there is no need to panic since it is normal to lose the transplanted hair for couple of weeks after a hair transplant. This is also called shedding period. In this phase, transplanted follicles go into a dormant period causing your hair to fall out. The follicles, however, don’t fall out and will begin growing new hair in time.
Growth and Appearance After a Hair Transplant
The full hair growth phase for FUE operations takes around 12-15 months. The front and middle parts take 12 months to fully grow but the crown area takes around 15 months to complete the full cycle. In this respect, patience is a vital part of a hair transplant and post-operation care.